Running on Empty? Try Joy – Part 2

Joy isn’t just fun; it’s transformative. It helps us become better people, better leaders, and more aligned with our true selves. The more joy I experience, the better version of myself I become. When you’re running on empty, focus on joy.

The Scriptures tell us that "the joy of the Lord is our strength" (Nehemiah 8:10), and they weren’t joking. There’s a joy that God has, and He makes it available to us. As we grow in Him, His joy becomes our joy, strengthening and empowering us in ways that go beyond mere emotion.

I have to admit, I’m not the type or person joy seems to come naturally to, but Ive learnt joy can be practiced and experienced deeply no matter your personality.

Research shows that joy can help us:

  • Recover from stress: Joy helps the body recover from the physiological effects of stress.

  • Broaden awareness: Positive emotions like joy expand our mental and emotional range, which can make it easier to navigate challenges.

  • Build confidence: Joy strengthens our belief in the value and impact of our efforts.

  • Give life meaning: Joy gives us a sense of purpose, which helps us endure hardships.

  • Decrease stress hormones: Joy reduces the production of stress hormones, building emotional resilience.

So yes, joy truly does help you go the distance.

How are your joy levels right now? What are you doing to experience more of God’s joy in your life?

Here are a few practices that have helped me increase my joy:

  • Spiritual practices: Spending time with God and reflecting on how He gazes at us with love. There’s a deep joy in His presence.

  • Meaningful relationships: Cultivating friendships where the love of God flows freely. In these relationships, we are known, loved, and seen, and hopefully, we laugh a lot together.

  • Enjoying God’s creation: God is the Creator who delights in His creation, and He invites us to do the same. Sometimes simply stopping to “smell the roses” is enough to let joy break through.

  • Gratitude: Gratitude has the power to transform even the hardest moments. By choosing to look for what we’re thankful for, we pave the way for joy to enter our lives more fully.

Joy isn’t just a feeling—it’s a strength that God offers to sustain and empower us. The more we make space for joy, the better equipped we are to handle the demands of life and leadership.

Joy is fuel for not only going the distance as a leader but enjoying the journey.


Why Joy Makes You a Better Leader


Starting to feel a little Burnt out?